My Top 5 List of Gift Ideas for Pets

We are well and truly into the holiday season – shopping and parties are the entire crazes. Our pet pooches and fur-balls also deserve to be part of the holiday spirit of gift-receiving as much as we do. Generally, gift-giving for pets should follow the same principles as gift-giving for people. There are no set […]
How to Groom Your Cat without Stress

Cats groom themselves and are very clean animals. Just like humans and dogs, some cats are more aware of their cleanliness than others. Some cats are more fastidious about grooming themselves and staying in tip-top shape, while others need active ongoing grooming or care to keep their skin and hair coat in a healthy state. […]
Dog Ear Care: How and When to Carefully Clean Your Dog’s Ears

Your dog isn’t exactly a big fan of having their ears inspected and cleaned, so when doing so, do your best to work with your pooch to make the experience as positive as possible. Their ears are sensitive so regular and careful dog ear care will help to prevent and detect any ear problems. If […]
Ask an Expert: How Often is it Good to Bathe My Dog?

Q: How often is it good to bathe my dog?
Ask an Expert: Dog Skin Diseases

Q: Are dog skin diseases contagious to other dogs?
Flea Control for Pets in Vancouver: A Year-round Struggle

Everyone dreads and dislikes fleas! These little parasites of pets, which go by the scientific name Ctenocephalides canis (or Ctenocephalides felis), are a common source of dismay to pet owners and for pets themselves. To make matters worse, fleas can live in our climate year round as we don’t really have a “flea season” like […]
Ask an Expert: Why is My Dog Grooming Itself Like a Cat?

Q: Why does my dog groom itself like a cat would? Is it because he/she grew up with a cat in the house?
Ask an Expert: Seasonal Pet Allergy Symptoms

Q: Do pets get similar seasonal allergy symptoms as humans?
Pets Have Allergies Too

We have sprung into allergy season early this year. While the sun is much appreciated, the watery eyes, itchy skin and sniffling nose of allergy symptoms are not. Both cats and dogs are affected by environmental allergies as well; and the symptoms may vary not just by species, but also by individuals. Respiratory signs of […]
Ask an Expert: Cat Scratching its Head

Q: My cat has been scratching his head, why could this be?