In Vancouver, Every Season is Flea Season

Peak season for fleas in most of Canada is mid-summer, or sooner, about May through June. Vancouver, however, rarely gets cold enough in the winter to kill fleas, which thrive in humid temperatures. Therefore, every season is flea season in Vancouver, and it’s imperative to prevent an infestation. One way you can arm yourself against […]
Causes of Pet Dandruff and How to Prevent It from Building Up

Humans are not the only ones who may have dandruff; your pets can get it too. Dandruff is made up of dead skin cells, or dander, that fall from the skin. When clumped together, it looks like white flakes. Dandruff is most noticeable if your pet has a dark-coloured hair coat, or has been scratching […]
Is Your Cat Over-grooming? Hair Loss & Other Signs of an Itchy Cat

Cats spend about 30-40% of their day grooming themselves. The rest of their time is mostly spent sleeping—this is a well-known fact among cat lovers! Families with cats usually love to groom and brush their cats. As icing on the cake, a cat can demand cuddles or brushing when they crave some extra love. What […]
Cats Get Zits Too! What to Know About Cat Acne

Would you believe that cats, like humans, can get acne too? This condition consists of blackheads (medical term: comedones) that form on the face, typically at the chin or around the lips of cats. What is Cat Acne? Like with human acne, cat acne tends to be a mild condition that may not cause any […]
Ask an Expert: Do Pets Get Lice?

Q: Do pets get lice? Can people get lice from their pets?
Recognizing and Treating Pollen Allergies in Cats

Did you know that, like humans, cats can get pollen allergies too? Our cats can indeed become susceptible to environmental triggers and inhaled substances that cause allergies. Some cats may not develop these allergies until they are older, while for other cats their allergy symptoms may be exhibited early in life. If left untreated, these […]
Cat Ear Problems that May Require a Veterinary Dermatologist

Perhaps you find your cat scratching at their ears a bit more than usual and it seems like they may have some symptoms of ear problems. If you’re suspecting your cat has any type of ear issue, it may be time to take them to your veterinarian. If your veterinarian needs help or believes that […]
Flea Control for Pets in Vancouver: A Year-round Struggle

Everyone dreads and dislikes fleas! These little parasites of pets, which go by the scientific name Ctenocephalides canis (or Ctenocephalides felis), are a common source of dismay to pet owners and for pets themselves. To make matters worse, fleas can live in our climate year round as we don’t really have a “flea season” like […]
Ask an Expert: Cat Scratching its Head

Q: My cat has been scratching his head, why could this be?
How do you Know if Your Cat Has an Ear Problem?

Like humans, cats can get ear problems which are extremely irritating and painful and should be diagnosed and treated right away. By providing routine care of your feline’s ears and managing the underlying issue, you can help prevent the problem from returning. If your cat has parasites, allergies, or a weak immune system, they are […]