Does Your Dog Have Pollen Allergies?

Like humans, a dog’s immune system can recognize allergens and allergic symptoms can surface. If you find your dog scratching, licking, or biting themselves more than usual, they may have allergic dermatitis caused by seasonal and pollen allergies. Signs and Symptoms of Allergic Dermatitis: Itchy, red, moist, or scabbed skin Itchy, runny eyes Itchy back […]
Consult A Veterinary Dermatologist About Dog Allergies

A veterinary dermatologist uses current test methods and proven treatments to control dog allergies and prevent symptoms from reoccurring. Your family veterinarian will refer you to a veterinary dermatologist, or you may ask them for a referral if your dog’s allergy doesn’t clear up quickly and the underlying cause is too difficult to pinpoint. An […]
Ask A Dog Dermatologist For Help With Your Pet’s Itch

A dog dermatologist can diagnose the reason for your pet’s itch and help you control the problem so that your dog’s suffering is reduced as soon as possible.