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Pets with atopic dermatitis (environmental allergies) often benefit from Allergen Specific Immunotherapy (ASIT) treatment (also called allergy vaccine, allergy hypo-sensitization or allergy desensitization therapy) from a pet dermatologist. This is a process in which allergens are introduced in gradually increasing amounts subcutaneously or in to the mouth orally, which eventually build up a tolerance to allergies. Oral immunotherapy drops are effective and preferable for pets that may not tolerate injectable therapy well.
Intradermal allergy testing (similar to the skin prick test or the scratch test in humans) is the gold standard test to isolate problem allergens for your pet. This test is best performed with adequate preparation in order to achieve best results. The information obtained by performing allergy testing will help design an individualized care plan to manage allergies in your pet, including repair of the skin barrier, allergen avoidance, and desensitization therapy.
Minimal ear care is usually needed for healthy pets. When noticed, an ear problem in pets is usually an indication of an underlying primary problem such as skin allergies, ear mites, and thyroid problems to name a few. If it appears that an ear infection is coming back repeatedly, or is not resolved with initial treatment, it is important to know that chronic, recurrent ear infections can lead to middle ear infections, in addition to the ongoing discomfort.
Our aim during each dermatological consultation is to provide you and your pet with the utmost care and attention to detail. Such personalized attention and a good understanding of your concerns and the pets’ medical history is key to resolving the problems affecting your pet. You can help us significantly in this process by providing us with relevant information regarding your pets’ dermatologic, medical, and dietary history.
A follow-up consultation with your veterinary dermatologist will help provide your pet with continued skin and ear care. Based on your pet’s progress since the initial or previous follow-up evaluation, further recommendations regarding long-term care for your pet are vital in achieving continued improvements in your pet’s health.
Our online consultations will help you and your family in several ways, including determining your pet’s level of itchiness, how best to control your pet’s itch for comfort, options to prevent ongoing discomfort, and dietary advice. Our veterinary dermatologist can also help you understand the cause as well as severity of your pet’s ear and skin conditions, including treatment options to manage the condition at home until an in-person evaluation can be performed.
Pets affected with a variety of skin and ear conditions can benefit from receiving dermatological laser therapy treatment at VetDERM Clinic. Our pet dermatology clinic is proud to offer laser surgery as a progressive new option for our clients who want a safe and minimally painful treatment for their pets.
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm
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