When Do Allergies in Pets Appear? What is a Pet’s Allergy Season?

Allergies in pets can be quite like those in humans. They are an overreaction of the immune system again commonly encountered things in the environment. These can include pollen from grass and trees, fungus in the surroundings, house dust mites and animal dander within our houses to name a few common “allergy triggers”. Symptoms exhibited […]
Ask an Expert: Pets with Seasonal Allergies

Question by Monika: Can anything be done to help pets with seasonal allergies?
Flea Control for Pets in Vancouver: A Year-round Struggle

Everyone dreads and dislikes fleas! These little parasites of pets, which go by the scientific name Ctenocephalides canis (or Ctenocephalides felis), are a common source of dismay to pet owners and for pets themselves. To make matters worse, fleas can live in our climate year round as we don’t really have a “flea season” like […]