When Do Allergies in Pets Appear? What is a Pet’s Allergy Season?

Allergies in pets can be quite like those in humans. They are an overreaction of the immune system again commonly encountered things in the environment. These can include pollen from grass and trees, fungus in the surroundings, house dust mites and animal dander within our houses to name a few common “allergy triggers”. Symptoms exhibited […]
Cats Get Zits Too! What to Know About Cat Acne

Would you believe that cats, like humans, can get acne too? This condition consists of blackheads (medical term: comedones) that form on the face, typically at the chin or around the lips of cats. What is Cat Acne? Like with human acne, cat acne tends to be a mild condition that may not cause any […]
Flea Bite Pet Allergies & What to be Aware of

Fleas are a well-known skin parasite that can affect the well-being of our furry companions. Depending on the geographic location, fleas may be a seasonal problem, a non-seasonal problem, or they may not be a problem at all. In the Vancouver and Victoria areas, fleas cause infestations, allergies, and discomfort to cats and dogs year-round […]