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Food Allergies in Dogs and the Hypoallergenic Diet

Food Allergies in Dogs and the Hypoallergenic Diet | VetDERM Clinic

As almost everyone has an opinion about food allergy in pets, there are many myths and misconceptions about food allergies in dogs. It is easy to form an opinion on something quite common, thus food allergy does fall prey to different opinions and beliefs. The diagnosis, signs and treatment of a food allergic dog can […]

My Top 5 List of Gift Ideas for Pets

My Top 5 List of Gift Ideas for Pets | VetDERM Clinic

We are well and truly into the holiday season – shopping and parties are the entire crazes. Our pet pooches and fur-balls also deserve to be part of the holiday spirit of gift-receiving as much as we do. Generally, gift-giving for pets should follow the same principles as gift-giving for people. There are no set […]