Canine Pododermatitis: Causes and Work Up

Patients affected by canine pododermatitis are presented commonly in clinical small animal practice. The condition may be present on a single claw, a single paw, or multiple paws. While the condition may affect the paw(s) only, it may be accompanied by additional cutaneous symptoms at other sites, depending on the underlying cause. Pododermatitis is defined […]
New Year Resolutions for People with Allergic Pets

A brand new year is almost here! Have you made your New Year resolutions yet? If you live with a dog or a cat with allergies, we know you have lots to worry about. Depending on the type of allergy your pet has, a major change is needed in your life as well as your […]
Skin Mites in Dogs: What You Need to Know about Demodicosis

Dogs get all sorts of skin problems for a variety of different reasons. One of the more common causes of patchy dog hair loss and irritated red skin is demodicosis. This is especially common in puppies. Demodicosis (or “red mange”) is one of the skin problems in dogs that can be easily treated but requires […]
Cats Get Zits Too! What to Know About Cat Acne

Would you believe that cats, like humans, can get acne too? This condition consists of blackheads (medical term: comedones) that form on the face, typically at the chin or around the lips of cats. What is Cat Acne? Like with human acne, cat acne tends to be a mild condition that may not cause any […]
Ask an Expert: Gluten-free Dog Food & Allergies

Q: Is gluten-free dog food the best choice for dogs with food allergies?
Ask an Expert: Do Pets Get Lice?

Q: Do pets get lice? Can people get lice from their pets?
Ask an Expert: Pets with Seasonal Allergies

Question by Monika: Can anything be done to help pets with seasonal allergies?
Cat Ear Problems that May Require a Veterinary Dermatologist

Perhaps you find your cat scratching at their ears a bit more than usual and it seems like they may have some symptoms of ear problems. If you’re suspecting your cat has any type of ear issue, it may be time to take them to your veterinarian. If your veterinarian needs help or believes that […]
Ask an Expert: How Often is it Good to Bathe My Dog?

Q: How often is it good to bathe my dog?
Ask an Expert: Dog Skin Diseases

Q: Are dog skin diseases contagious to other dogs?